How do i consume music?

I like to listen to music as frequently as i can but the type of music that I listen to is dependant on the mood that I am in. I listen to music in the mornings before i got to school to either help relax me before I leave or I will listen to it to help me get some energy and wake up ready for school. I dont really listen to music at school. Dependent on my mood I will listen to different genres of music, If i am in a sad mood then i will listen to a song such as Pharrel Williams "Happy" because it helps pick me up and put me into a good mood. I would be extremely bored without the influence of music in my life, I will listen to it sometimes when I am tired to help me sleep or I will put it on in car journeys to help pass the time.
Music helps to influence me when it comes to some of the lyrics that I here I like to relate them to my life and I like to use them as quotes. Also different songs have different meanings to me. The good thing about music is that not everyone has the same taste and different songs mean different things to people this is what makes it special. I love listening to music loudly I cant listen to music quietly it just doesn't feel right, you cant get into the music as much as you would want if you can here noise around you.

Research for Music Video

In this video there is an example of a special effexct editing which i would really like to use in my music video. I think that the way that it flashes is very clever and would be really good to use.

Male Gaze, Exhebitionism, Voyeurism Music Video

Male Gaze
This video "Versace" by Migos is a prime example of the male gaze in a music video. Migos is surrounded by girls throughout the video who are wearing very skimpy costumes but they are expensive so it would show that the man maybe respects the women more.
There is then a scene where there are about 20-30 women who all walk up onto the front of the masion all wearing white clothing and doing erotic dancing, this is having a dig at Miley Cyrus. The man are always surrounded by women in the video it would show that they are almost props and that they are scene as unequal as all of these girls still dont get as much screen time as the men. All of the shots that we see of the women show them all very close up using slow mo's as they play with their hair etc to help enforce the male gaze theory.
You have two women who are just laying out on the grass as still as statues this would show that they are just something to look at and people arent taking much notice of them. Its like he has put them there to suggest that they are just an object. All of the women are made to wear white clothes and this colour is used to show off your figure more.

Voyeurism and the female gaze
This is an example of a video that shows voyeurism and the female gaze. We can see the example of the female gaze from the start where there is an image of a man without a top on and the camera uses close ups and slow mo's to enhance where the viewer is meant to be looking. We then see the example of voyeurism later as Nicki Minaj pours this pink liquid all over her breasts and the camera zooms in on them and they are on screen for a while, Voyeurism is used by artists to make themselves more well known by flaunting their body.

This is a good example of exbitionism - Lily Allen is a perfext example of a female artist that is strong and independant and can be a succesful female artist without having to flaunt her body.
Another Male Gaze Video

This video is a great example of a male gaze video, with Rihanna and Shakira in one video this tells you it all. There are lots of scenes where the two are showing of their bodies and inviting you to look at them.

This video is an example of a homosexual video it is all about how it is acceptable to be who you want to be. Lots of people judged the artist Mackelmore for this song.

Music Video Analysis

No Rest - Dry The River

What the video showed:
The video shows the men in the band laying on a dusty floor and then they are surrounded by stones they do not move from the floor for the whole video, as the video goes on they have a dead bird placed on there stomach and then start to have water thrown over them.

My predicted storyline about what i thought the song was about:
The man felt like a king with his girlfriend, he then lost her and now has nothing and he just wants her back.

My video ideas if i had directed the song:
I could imagine the music video on a beach setting.
The man is having flashbacks to them sitting on the pier throwing stones into the sea and eating ice cream together.
He then goes back to the place but he does everything the same just she isnt there.
He is sitting onto the edge of the pier crying into the sea.